Saturday, October 29, 2011

Switching to Wordpress

Hello all/anyone out there who checks this photo blog. I've been having some technical difficulty with Blogspot for the last couple of days and if it doesn't fix itself soon I'm thinking about making an alternative blog in over at Wordpress. I'll keep this blog up for awhile afterwards so I can use it to show people until I get enough clips on the other one. Keep an eye out for the link to the future photo blog. Thanks

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


This is just a quick little post showing some of the photos in my current portfolio that I'm showing to internship possibilities. I've got some shooting from the hip photos coming up for those of you who are interested. Anyway, hope you all enjoy this.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Yay! For Politics?

I just want to make sure I stay up to date on my blog and I thought this was an interesting shot. This is one of my photos from the Muncie mayoral debate which took place on Thursday. As heated as politics are now I thought that it was interesting to see the two candidates being civil to each other, especially before a debate.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Another Civil War Post

Just figured I would put some more photos up from the Civil War reenactment. A couple of these are in black and white. Hope you like it.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Finally, a New Post...About the Past

So I'm back after a very long break. In fact I haven't posted anything since my internship ended in June. My reasoning is that I have been super busy. I promise to try and keep things more up to date but anyway, here are some very recent shots, like yesterday recent. I did some freelance (and free) work for the Hartford City news this weekend when I went up to Hartford City to take pictures of the annual Civil War Days.
If it's one thing I've always loved it's history, and I felt like I was in heaven the entire time I was on this assignment, I even got some information to joining up with an Indiana infantry unit.
Shooting this was a little different than what I thought it would be like. When I went into the it I figured that most of my good shots would come from the battle but in reality it came from all the downtime before the battle. I definitely plan on putting some more photos up from this event but for now, here are these five.